Thursday, September 8, 2011


My recent thrift store habit is to look for frames. Of all styles and sizes. When I found these two frames (for fifty cents each!) I knew I had a 'Mr. and Mrs.' project on my hands. A quick spray paint job and they were set.

Because my boss allowed me to take graphic design classes this year, Photoshop has been my not-so-secret boyfriend. The inspiration of this project was to do something meaningful to my hubby and I, but not corny.

First, I took our fingerprints by coloring on a piece of paper with a #2 pencil and rubbing our wedding ring fingers in it. I wrapped a piece of tape around our fingers, then gently removed it. I took that tape and pressed it onto a plain white piece of paper, then scanned it onto my computer.

If you don't know Photoshop, skip this paragraph (trust me, I would).  I loaded each of our fingerprints into Photoshop, then used a combination of the Quick Selection tool and the Magic wand tools to select all the white areas, or the areas that weren't part of the prints. Then I deleted that selection, and selected the remaining area, which was the actual print. I pasted it into a new layer, and filled it with black. Then I switched to the background layer and filled it with white.

I found this quote online: "Once someone touches your heart, the fingerprints will last forever." I put the first half of the quote on my husband's print, and the second half on mine. Done! (Well, it'll be officially done with it gets me on Crafting with the Stars!) ;)